Spring Clean your Business

Spring is all about new beginnings…. 

This year with more and more people working from home, people having lost jobs, changed jobs, and set up their own businesses, alongside the financial year end for many of us, it’s a good time to do a review.

7 Tips to help you Spring Clean your business

Review business goals.  

Are they still relevant?  Have you met some of the goals or even exceeded them? Maybe some of them were unrealistic, and with all that happened this year, it’s not surprising you haven’t reached them.  

Reset, or write new goals.

Create a Vision Board.

Refresh marketing

Do a check of the social media platforms and channels you use. Are they working for you? Where do you get most of your leads?

Where do you get most of your leads?

Is your website up to scratch? Is it SEO friendly?

Are you sharing testimonials regularly?

Are you writing Blogs, sharing the story of your business?

Keep in touch with customers

Give them a call, and catch up. How are they doing?  They will be appreciative of someone thinking about them.

Schedule some 121’s with your regular clients – how are they doing?

Check your CRM system

Importantly after all the changes of this last year – are all of the people still relevant?  You don’t want to be contacting people who are no longer working in the business. 

Identify which records are no longer important – only store what you need.

Prepare for end of year

Review outstanding invoices 

Check your records and ensure you are prepared for your book-keeper or accountant.

Physically tidy your desk and workspace.

Get rid of unwanted ‘stuff’ i.e. Random things

Designate areas for specific functions

Keep only must-haves on your desk

Organise emails – get rid of that thousand or so that are sitting there on your system.

Check your stationary and consumables

Spare batteries

New inks for printer

Paper for printer

Post-its – if like me you use them daily!

Do I follow my own advice?

Not exactly! Life’s too short, and getting shorter by the day, so I do the bits I like doing!

Setting Goals:

Having spent much of my educational life encouraging teachers to plan, and having to continually write plans myself, I’m the world’s worst when it comes to my business plans.  

I generally try to do a ‘vision’ board, but have to say that this year, that has gone out of the window too.

Refreshing marketing:

I created my logo last year and prefer to stick with it for now. I do keep an eye on where most of my work comes from, and most of it is from word of mouth, and from networking, meeting people face to face. Obviously as this hasn’t happened this year, I have been focusing more on my social media.

Keeping in touch with customers

That is something I do regularly with my Mentees, and my poetry group members. Plus, I try to comment and keep in touch on social media when people take the time to send messages or comment on my posts.

CRM system

This is something I haven’t built up in the past, but as I now have a Newsletter, I am beginning to build one.

Preparing for end of year

This definitely happens, as I hate accounts etc, and send them over to my accountant as soon as I can. 

Physically tidying

I find this one difficult, I’m not a tidy worker, and have to regularly remove the pile of notes that build up during the week!  I put it down to being a ‘creative’, but I think that’s just an excuse for being untidy!

Stationary and Consumables

I love stationary, so don’t find this one difficult, although it’s not so exciting looking online as it is walking into a large stationers, and seeing all of the pens and coloured post-its, different paper…. I’m lured in by the wonderful colours!

Have a wonderful Easter!